Congratulations on getting college acceptances! It is a great feeling to know you have the opportunity to continue your education! But don’t totally relax.
Any or all of your college acceptance letters are conditional on maintaining your current level of scholastic achievement AND graduating with your high school diploma.
Also, colleges and universities reserve the right to revoke their letter of admission to incoming prospective students. About 22% of the institutions surveyed by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) report revoking student admissions offering; typically they may pull 1-2% of their offers in a year.
Students can have their offers rescinded for:
- Academic performance (most cited reason)
- Disciplinary infractions (such as destruction or damage of property)
- Dishonesty on the application
- Offensive postings on social media (increasing trends)
Examples of the latter include:
- Prospective lacrosse player for Marquette University had her acceptance rescinded due to her posting on Snapchat mocking George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis in 2020.
- Harvard revoked 10 student acceptances over a group exchange of racially and sexually offensive Facebook messages in 2017.
Protecting your future college enrollment by:
- Keeping up your grades
- Keeping your social media posts clean
- Avoiding actions, such as senior pranks, that might result in disciplinary or legal action.
Best wishes for a fantastic spring term and upcoming graduation!